
Research findings

For each research strand, we have produced short Research Briefs (2-4 pages) and an accompanying video summary (c. 10 mins). If short on time, it is recommended to skip straight to Research Brief 6/video summary 6.

An introduction to an occupational approach


[Research brief 1] [Video summary 1]


What is the structure of occupational quality and what has been happening to it? [Research brief 2] [Video summary 2]


Does occupational mobility improve job satisfaction?


[Research brief 3] [Video summary 3]


Downward occupational mobility, unemployment, and job satisfaction


[Research brief 4] [Video summary 4]
Occupational quality, workplace practices, and wellbeing [Research brief 5] [Video summary 5]
Key findings and recommendations

(with thanks to Gail Irvine (Carnegie Trust UK), Magdalena Soffia (What Works Centre for Wellbeing), and Jonny Gifford (CIPD) who give expert commentary in this video).

[Research brief 6] [Video summary 6]


Interim findings workshop – 9th December 2019, Queen Mary University of London (invite only event; please get in touch if you’d like to attend).

End of project conference – 3rd June 2020, National Gallery, London (for time and details of how to register, click here). Travel funds available for students and ECRs. If you are interested in a funded place, please email **This event is now cancelled.**


Much of the project’s findings can be found in the open access book Mapping Good Work: The Quality of Working Life Across the Occupational Structure published by Bristol University Press.

Occupational quality

Files to replicate occupational quality scores in UK datasets coded to SOC2000, SOC2010, or ISCO88 as well as files to reproduce the tables and figures in the book can be found here.